At Ohio State University (2010-2015)

1. Business and Government (Bachelor): In this course I provided students with a theoretical framework with which to understand how changes in government regulation (taxes, subsidies, pollution quotas, antitrust laws) affect businesses' productive decisions. We studied incentives to lobby and generate favorable regulation.

2. The American Revenue System (Bachelor): This was mainly a course on public finance and taxation with emphasis on the American Fiscal System. I taught it during the 2012 presidential campaign so an essential part of course was to study the different tax cuts Proposed by Obama and Romney as well as the focus of their government spending. 

Currently Teaching at NYU Abu Dhabi

Previous Teaching Experience

At Maastricht University (2015-2018)

1. Behavioral Economics (Bachelor): We cover individual decision-making (violations of expected utility theory, time inconsistent preferences) and provided behavioral theories that better explain commonly observed phenomena. We also analyze models of other-regarding preferences, experiments on coordination in games with multiple equilibria, and level-k reasoning. The main topics are motivated via in-class experiments.

2. Internet Economics (Masters):  This course covers two-sided markets, networks, price discrimination and auctions with direct applications to internet-based businesses and activities.

Andrzej Baranski Madrigal

January 2018. Giving a lecture about "Reflections on Academic Discourse" at Maastricht University

1. Fairness (Syllabus): What is fair and what is unfair? Is fairness universal? Are equality and fairness synonyms? How can we build a fairer world? Whether arguing with your roommate about the upkeep of common areas, viewing the daily news, or analyzing fiscal policies, people often disagree on what constitutes a fair process or outcome. The plurality of fairness ideals may lead to breakdown in negotiations, social conflict, or other undesirable outcomes. Social stability is at risk when systems are perceived as unfair. Potential business partners may fail to collaborate if they cannot agree on a compensation system that properly rewards efforts and employees may withhold labor or even sabotage production if they feel treated unfairly. On the upside, a shared sense of fairness may lead to mutually beneficial interactions, social cohesion, and smooth political decision-making processes. This Colloquium draws from disciplines including philosophy, psychology, political science, economics, and organizational behavior to question our own notions and judgments and arrive at a holistic understanding of fairness as a concept.

2. Markets and Information (Syllabus): How do individuals and firms make decisions and how, through market interaction, do these decisions determine the allocation of resources in society? In this course, students will learn what the main forces shaping market outcomes are. There will be in-depth discussions of the effects of government intervention and the situations in which governments can improve overall welfare due to market imperfections. Particular emphasis will be given to understanding the differential effects of markets in situations where individual and societal goals coincide compared to situations where they are in conflict. Throughout the course, key concepts will be covered to understand the role of trade-offs and incentives on decision-making. To gain hands-on experience with the topics under study, relevant up-to-date examples will be discussed and students will participate in economic experiments.